Cheam Common Junior Academy 35

Absence & Attendance

Attending school regularly is important for every child. By attending, every child makes academic progress by building their knowledge, understanding and skills. Being present each day enables children to feel the sense of belonging by to the school community. 

We know that illness is unavoidable and to be expected but knowing whether pupils are going to be absent from school and the reasons for any absences is an important safeguarding issue for the school. It is therefore, vitally important that if your child is not going to be in school that you complete the Absence Form by 8:30am. 

Cheam Common Junior Absence Form 

If you are unable to access the form please either call the school or email the office. 

Please note that if your child is unwell for 5 or more days, medical evidence may be requested.

Special Leave Request

If you feel you have exceptional circumstances for a leave of absence during term time, please email the School Office to request an Exceptional Absence Form.  Once you have completed this, each circumstance is considered and you will be notified of the outcome via email. 
